• Class


The Mage class is a powerful class capable of dealing devastating damage to its opponents from a distance through spells. Using its magic power, it dominates the battlefield with the elements of Ice, Lightning, and Fire. Thanks to its wide-area spells, it can incapacitate multiple enemies at once. With cold spells, it can freeze and slow its enemies, with lightning spells, it can immobilize them, and with fire spells, it can burn and sear its foes. The Mage is an unstoppable force against its enemies.


The Rogue is the fastest and most agile character in the game. It is divided into two subclasses: Assassin and Archer. As an Assassin, the Rogue can approach enemies undetected with invisibility, delivering sudden and devastating dagger attacks. With high speed and swift combo skills, it is a class that can eliminate foes in a short amount of time. When played as an Archer, the Rogue uses a bow to execute ranged attacks from afar. Elemental arrow abilities allow the Rogue to slow, stun, and deal extra damage with combo shots. The Rogue is a versatile warrior, excelling in both melee and ranged combat.


The Priest uses healing and defensive spells to ensure party members' survival. With spells that restore health and increase defense, it acts as the supportive force of the team. However, the Priest is not limited to support; it offers a balanced playstyle by combining offensive and defensive abilities. While healing injured allies quickly, it can also unleash powerful attacks on enemies. The Priest plays a crucial role as both the shield and healer of the team.

Nova'nin Hikayesi

Yok olmanin esigindeki bir dünyada, insanlik simdiye kadarki en büyük meydan okumasiyla karsi karsiya: NOWA olarak bilinen devasa ve kötü niyetli bir varlik. Bilinmeyenin derinliklerinden ortaya çikan NOWA'nin tek amaci dünyanin sonunu getirmektir. Ortaya çikisi kaos, korku ve yikimla dolu karanlik bir çagin baslangici oldu.

NOWA sadece fiziksel bir tehdit degil, insanligin en derin korkularinin ve kolektif kabuslarinin bir tezahürüdür. Erimis metal gibi parildayan pullari ve ürkütücü bir pariltiyla yanan gözleriyle sehirlerin üzerinde yükselen NOWA, ardinda bir yikim izi birakir. Kükremesi gökyüzünde yankilanarak en cesur ruhlarin bile tüylerini diken diken ediyor. insanlik, görünüste yenilmez olan bu canavar karsisinda birlesmek zorunda.


